The Stellar Plus Experience

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NV studios on public radio K, u and v 91.5. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:21
Good morning, and welcome to the scoop. Thank you for joining me this morning. I'm telling you flat again, I'm delighted to be your host here on K u and v 91.5, where we're talking about the scoop in Las Vegas. Today, I have a wonderful guest joining me to talk about the stellar Awards, the stellar awards are making their way back to Las Vegas, I believe for the sixth time they will be over at the Orleans casino and the Orleans arena. But more importantly, is not what's happening strip adjacent. But what's happening in our community. The stellar awards are coming into the historic west side to our renowned Wonderful West Las Vegas Art Center to work with the kids in this summer's performing and visual arts camp. It is gonna be a one of a kind, one time unforgettable experience for kids from our urban core. To have an opportunity to work with national choreographers and a national recording artists that of their choice, we're going to tell you a little bit more about how the kids in the community had the opportunity to choose the artists that they're going to spend some time with. This is all going to happen on July 12. But while I've given you a little bit of the tease, I am excited to welcome to the show to talk about this with me today. Angela Womack. She is the project manager for the stellar awards. And she's based out of Portland, Oregon. So she'll be making her way to our warm and sunny Valley soon to talk about to to work on this project. So without further ado, let me say hello, and good morning on this bright and early Sunday morning. Hello, Angela. How are you?

Unknown Speaker 2:12
Oh, how are you? I'm good to you. Thank you for having us.

Unknown Speaker 2:15
Thank you for being on with me. Like I mentioned the stellar wars are coming back to Las Vegas. Vegas is the entertainment capital. We excited to have you here on KU envy this morning talking with me on 91.5 on the scoop about the stellar awards and what you guys are doing in the community and how you're pouring back into our kids. So I understand you're having a symposium, can you tell me a little bit about what is going to happen on July 12. And why this is such a big deal.

Unknown Speaker 2:48
Our stellar community art symposium is designed for the youth and the historic Westside community. As you mentioned, we're going to have a guest of celebrity choreographer, Rosario McCoy, he's going to be working with the kids and their routine, and giving them an opportunity to work one on one with a professional photographer who's worked with tons of people like I share to emceeing and outcast and a bunch of virus. So this will give them an opportunity to ask them, ask them any questions and get some inside scoop on the choreography business. As well as we're going to have a national recording artists at the end of the program, where the students are going to perform for and have a QA and one on one with them. But we're keeping that a secret, we're gonna announce that closer to the day of the performance, who's coming.

Unknown Speaker 3:46
Sounds good. So that's exciting. So the kids will on July 12 come together of so the performing arts camp takes place throughout the week think it's Tuesday through Saturdays. And so on July 12, which is Wednesday. The choreographer is gonna come in, so how's it gonna work? It starts like it's seven or eight o'clock in the morning, as I understand and they're gonna be going through this till 1230. So sort of maybe a sense of run of show of what's going to happen in this once in a lifetime. Day morning programs for the kids.

Unknown Speaker 4:23
The kids are gonna come in, they're gonna do the opening communications, and Rosario is going to work one on one on a performance with them. We're going to have lunch provided by McDonald's who is a sponsor of our event, and after the practice and then the dance break and lunch. Then our recording artist is going to come in going to attend the performance and at the end, we're going to have a one on one to eight by our own my logon. She is our intern that works with Stellars And she'll be queuing the questions and answer portion to artists and the kids can have an opportunity, at the end to answer ask their own questions as well. We currently have some submitted questions for the, for the special guests. But we're gonna give everyone else a little bit of time. And then after the q&a portion, we're going to be able to the children, we will take pictures and get autographs, and have like a minute themselves, and talk to our special guests.

Unknown Speaker 5:32
So really just a great red carpet experience. I know you've I mentioned earlier that, for this particular day, youth over at the West Las Vegas Art Center Performing Arts Center, were allowed to put their choice forward. So they voted on who they most would like to see. And I know we're not ready to reveal who this amazing artist is. But can you tease us a little bit with the type of choices? The kids were able to toss out? I mean, like, Was it like a tighter bed type of artist or like Tasha Cobbs Leonard type? Or, you know, is it in that type of space and spectrum? You know, who what level artists are we talking about? They might have had the opportunity to say, hey, we'd love to spend an afternoon with in the Gospel industry. Is that Kirk Franklin type? You know, are we talking Tamela? Mann, who are we talking about?

Unknown Speaker 6:34
Oh, it's a pretty big, he's a current top nominee for the stellar awards. But they were able to submit names. And they submitted three or four names. And they every the most count the most names ever submitted, we, we were able to get that special guest. But yes, very big Kirk Franklin level, Mary Mary level, kids won't be disappointed.

Unknown Speaker 7:07
That's exciting. So I know it's for the kids. But I understand that parents can also come out and see some of what goes on with the kids on this day. So it starts at 8am to 12:30pm. So they'll get to come out and parents and not a lot of spots for huge crowd. But those who have time to see how you guys are pouring into our kids, because for those who don't know, historic West Las Vegas, and I know you're not from here, so I want to share a little bit about it with you, near and dear to my heart area of town where black people were redlined or required to live when Vegas Versa began to grow. And gaming came, you know, into focus. And people began to live here and work here and all these things. And so, in buying a house and raising a family, the historic west side was where African American people live. So it was a you know, this area of thriving community, connectivity, community and family. And so for you guys to come into that neighborhood and say we want to make a difference. This is just huge. The West Las Vegas Art Center is run by the city of Las Vegas. So the city is on board with this project. And it's just tremendous. I also wanted to talk with you a bit about other things that that my understanding is that the intention is for stellar awards to make an impact on our community for some years to come. So this is not a one and done. There's an intention onus to be here and to be present. And it was important to do more than being an award show at a Hotel Casino. And that's part of the reason why you're coming in. And I know I talked about the history of the west side. And that's important because today, the passion for it lives on but you know, you get into suburbs and growth and not sprawl, but just development and growth and change. And so the community, sometimes communities of color suffer when growth happens. And we work to hold on to the beauty that's the heart of our community, because we do we love it so and the Art Center is part of what makes the heart of our community. So I needed to put in context, that it's not what it used to be, but there's a lot of work and efforts and projects that are lined up right now to help to restore it and to preserve it. So thank you for recognizing the value of those efforts and being A part of that this this is one component, but it's still huge when people pour into your community and when the money when the time and the commitment spills over from the strip into the communities that surround the strip, because a lot of times people who don't live here visit, they don't really get a chance to come into the community, they come to our tourist, you know, space or strip. It's about four miles. It's amazing. It's beautiful as line with casinos and palm trees. And we are phenom, it's a phenomenal extrasensory experience to come to Las Vegas and to be on the strip. And I'll tell anyone that, but when you reach beyond it, and travel beyond it, to see what's in the community, and to meet the people, I have to say thank you for doing that. So

Unknown Speaker 10:50
we're so excited to be a part and really thank you for the Las Vegas community for allowing us to do this and our special guests. This is their passion and our passion to give back to the community to make sure we support local and small community businesses and organizations that are doing just with the Las Vegas, West Las Vegas are doing.

Unknown Speaker 11:18
Absolutely, yes. I've seen their performances, I was talking with you a little bit before we came back online. And every summer it is phenomenal to see what they do, what the instructors at the Art Center do to transform the talent that is so that is in the kids. And sometimes the kids start off in the the baby's shy, and they may be a little quiet, Summer, outgoing, some are ready to be in that spotlight. But the transformation that happens with the kids during the summer. And the sense of self and respect and awareness for themselves and for others is what I think makes the performing and visual arts camp so phenomenal. So over the years, I've seen them perform at the Smith Center at our performing arts center downtown. And it is it brings tears to my eyes. And I always say whenever I'm in the community, if I were to come into tons of money, I would leave some of it for this program for these kids. And a lot of the babies do it through their elementary school years into their high school years. And then they go off to college. And a lot of them study dance and theater when they go to college and many of them end up making a living and the in this business that they love so much and the voices are phenomenal whether they're doing spoken word, the creative energy, the dance, so it will be exciting because they're gonna learn this choreography that morning and then they're gonna perform what they learn. So it will be a treat to see if you love dance. If you love music, if you love seeing young people create come by the West Las Vegas Art Center 947 West Lake me Boulevard on Wednesday, July 12. Sometime during that morning and just you may not get to see the final production but come see what's going on and come see what's happening. Take a look at how the stellar Wars is pouring back into kids in our community and how our kids are transforming right before our eyes. The awards program itself is July 15. That over at the Orleans center Orleans arena. Yes. And people can get tickets on July 15 Okay and if you saw it's taped it's going to show Can you say what what network is going to show them for those who might not be able to go to the taping but they just want to watch it when it does a hair

Unknown Speaker 13:39
as the salad was airing on beauty Sunday August 6, and will also air local markets on CBS and channel eight via for Vegas.

Unknown Speaker 13:49
Okay, so what's gonna air on channel eight locally here on CBS as well as on BT. So that's awesome. And for those who the stellar awards and for me, you have a website, it's the stellar For more information, and I know you're on Facebook, you're on Twitter, you're on Instagram, and you're on YouTube. So people can get and just to give people a sense of what you focus on you deal with Artists of the Year, Song of the Year, choirs and chorus groups of the year. So all of these artists doing phenomenal work in the Gospel industry are focused on and highlighted by the stellar awards and you've been doing this for 38 years.

Unknown Speaker 14:31
Yes, this is the 38th year of the fellows brands. The longest running black music award show on television and I think that's a perfect partnership to what But Dr. Marcia Robertson is doing with this community symposium.

Unknown Speaker 14:54
You know it is it's when you talk about longevity, you talk about stellar warts being around for 38 years. You talk about the Art Center been around for 20 years get 20 years or so. And Marcia Robinson work over there and Lisa Russell, China to wander they pour into the kids, Antonio Vargas, who used to be on that show on TV Starsky and Hutch, volunteers time. They learn African drumming, they learn dance, they learn, like I said spoken word, but they are gonna learn this choreography from Rosario, McCoy, and he is he out of New York, or Bersih, based out of

Unknown Speaker 15:36
I believe he's based out of New York, and who's coming in for this event.

Unknown Speaker 15:42
So, so, so stellar, stellar, stellar horse is bringing in stellar talent, to work with our kids, and it's gonna be exciting, I am super excited about what's going to happen on July 12. And I heard that there might be kind of like, I'm just want to say I can't, I can't tell you what's going to happen people. But I'm saying to those of you who are out there who have time, if you can come by the West Las Vegas Art Center on July 12, around, say, 10, somewhere between 8am and 1230. And just get a glimpse of it, to see the work that's going to go on, I think you will be just mesmerized to see what's going to happen with the kids and this dynamic program. With the choreography, and the team that's already at the West Las Vegas Art Center. I want to say this is phenomenal. And thank you guys for coming into our community. As well, is there anything else that you just want to share with us that we haven't talked about in terms of what the stellar awards do and why you're here in Las Vegas and what you're hoping to do?

Unknown Speaker 16:57
Well, as I said, before, you know, this is our 38th year, we're glad to be back in Vegas. This is our first year for the stellar events, and the community symposium will be kicking off a week live events, leading up to the recording of the soul awards on Saturday, July 15. We are just really excited and, and happy to be back in Las Vegas and great and happy to be partnering with our prices and our branch for this community symposium. And we're really excited to see the dancing and the kids and bringing Rosario and it's gonna be big, it's going to be big.

Unknown Speaker 17:34
I think it's gonna be awesome. I have a question for you. You're doing this here? Do you guys do things like this around the country could people in other cities do have partnerships of this nature anywhere else.

Unknown Speaker 17:50
Um, we do have other events throughout the year in Chicago and Nashville and Atlanta. And we will be expanding our stellar events over the next course of the next couple of months. And kinda like drilling it down that link connecting with the community partner, maybe doing one or two of our stellar master classes where it's a one on one questioning panel, a questionnaire panel between so celebrity guest, but that's something that we're working on in the future. But the stellar awards. production house does have several events throughout the year.

Unknown Speaker 18:30
The gospel artists coming is so powerful. I'm so excited about it, Angela, I'm gonna let you let the cat out of the bag, go ahead and share who this great Gospel Artist is that the kids are gonna get to spend some time with. I'm handing it to you.

Unknown Speaker 18:46
All right, this year is gospel artists. That will be at the Stellar Award coming in supposin is Pastor Mike Jr. We are really excited to be able to bring pastor Wright to the West Las Vegas Art Center and to be a part of this event. And it's gonna be big No pun intended.

Unknown Speaker 19:08
Yeah, cuz he has a track called Big right? And then I love I got it. For those of you who if you don't know who Pastor Mike Jr, is Google Pastor Mike Jr. And when you first hear it, you don't even really realize his gospel music. It's just got so much it's so much beat and tempo. It's fun. It's fun. It's feel good. The kids are talking about 1516 1413 year olds who are like, I want to see Pastor Mike Jr. So that is super cool. And he's gonna be over at the West Las Vegas Art Center with the kids on July 12 for a little bit to do a q&a about how he got started and what his journey was. So it is going to be an exciting day on the west side with the photographer with the current choreographer with the photographers with the artists, just giving back to our kids, so I I just want to say thank you, to you for spending some time. Here with us on KU envy 91.5 Public Radio, the scope with me, Tanya Flanagan and talking about the community near and dear to my heart, Las Vegas as a whole I love I think our city is beautiful and it's growing. It's picture as bad. The historic Westside has a special place in my heart for all that it brings in terms of culture, and community. And I think I just love when the community loves on our kids and pours into them with education, and opportunity, outreach, and success to build them to where they're headed for the future. They have so much ahead of them and so much opportunity. And this is truly going to be an unforgettable day in our city, and unforgettable weekend. Before we get out of here, you mentioned some really, there's a weekend of stuff. So there's a lot of activities outside of what you're doing special with the Art Center, and outside of Saturday's being taped stellar awards performance, that will then err on ve T and in somewhere because on CBS, so they can get information, I think about the other activities by going to stellar plus To find out what's going on if you're interested. Angela Womack, thank you for spending some time with us here at the radio station. Thank you. Thank you for having me. Have a wonderful rest of your day. And if we get you up early, still a good time to have a cup of coffee and sit and enjoy summer morning.

Unknown Speaker 21:38
Yes, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 21:40
Thank you. And I want to say thank you to my listening audience for joining me this morning. I know that summer Sundays are very special. I am excited that this was the first one here with you on K u and v 91.5. Public Radio. So I want to thank you for spending your time with me today. I hope you enjoy our conversation. And I look forward to having more with you. This show the scope is about community it's about love and passion. It's about trending topics, things that are fun and happening. Unexpected conversations, we may go a lot of different directions and travel many different pathways and journeys together. Our next show I'm excited to welcome guests in the future that will include Donna McCoy, we're going to have a really recently had an experience centered around understanding the impact of pride and rejection. And when we go for things, whether it's a job, whether it's a relationship, something falling apart. So next conversation is going to dive into a little bit of self love self care and talking about as we move through things in our country with the shootings and things that are happening, mental health space as well. But talking a little bit about self care from a variety of angles, rejection and taking the loss learning to take the loss so that that pride and the desire to understand why something has happened doesn't cripple you and hold you in space. But that instead of allowing you to move forward, but I am excited to be here to talk about a number of different things. So yeah, I'm excited to be talking about a number of things, from food to restaurants, to events and shows and just fun things going on. And I think also, it's gonna be a great space where you're gonna get to meet some interesting people who you might not be familiar with, but who will be enlightening and engaging and interesting people to get to know who live right here in our valley and maybe even around the country. So I am excited to be here on Sunday mornings with the scoop talking with you about current events and trending topics. And just getting into the nitty gritty of what's fun and happening and shaping our lives whether it's in our relationships in our workspaces with our business development. I think one of the things that really matters to me at this point in life is work life balance and so talking about how to reclaim and you so wisely our time because as you get as you mature in life, you realize how valuable your time is. So again, I thank you for spending some time with me this morning this Sunday morning. I encourage you to get lots of water stay hydrated out there today and for those of you who are exercise buffs, get your exercise and take some walks and take in the beauty I love. One of the things I love most about being here in Southern Nevada is the desert I actually grew up in Arizona and I moved here about 25 years ago and I've always loved exploring the desert and how beautiful the mountains are recently took a trip to the southern part of our country and it's just night and day when you see the greenery all the trees and the grass but our desert is unmatched is unparalleled is a beautiful part of the country. I love the mountains and just looking at the different landscapes and enjoying nature and saying thank you for all that is around us. So I am here to talk about a number of different things and to hear what you want to talk about. And to do that you can reach me I'm on Instagram. You can reach me at Tonya almond eyes Flanagan that's ta ny a almond like the net EY e s Flanagan Fla na Gan. And I'm also on Facebook as Tanya Flanagan You can reach me there as well and just share your thoughts or anything you want me to know, or anything you'd like to talk about. So feel free to reach out at any point again, it's Tonya almond eyes Flanagan on Instagram, or Tanya Flanagan on Facebook, I'm also on Twitter. So I look forward to hearing from you guys and getting to know you and allowing you to get to know me and talking about things that matter to you as much as maybe they matter to me and things that matter to me and hopefully they matter to you. Thank you again for joining us here at K u n v 91.5 Jazz and more public radio we are here for you to serve the community and to just create a wonderful space for you to relax to hear some really good music because a variety of great music out there's so much talent in the world today. And we have a lot of it right here for you on 91.5k You envy. I hope you have enjoyed this half hour on the radio again, the stellar awards are coming to our community to pour into our kids. And I hear it's going to be a flash mob you guys so that's just a little teaser, there will be a bit of a flash mob that day and the kids are going to learn a wonderful routine, have some fun. And Pastor Mike Jr will be there and again if you're not familiar with him, but you like good gospel music, you'd like energy and fun, that Mary Mary style that tighter bet style, Google Pastor Mike Jr. and and have a listen, and just dance and sang. And let yourself feel good and let the energy pour into you and let the good vibes pour out of you. And we hope to see you some of you on July 12. And we will keep you posted on the performing and visual arts camps culminating show at the end of summer. So once they learn all summer, they then pour back into the community by sharing it in a special performance that is free, but it will require you to secure your seats by reserving some tickets. If you are interested in the stellar awards. You can also check out tickets there too. I believe there's tickets you can do to go see what they do. But more importantly, this is what they're doing with our community and reaching beyond the strip to our historic West Las Vegas neighborhood and the kids in our urban communities and neighborhoods and from across the valley as well who come to the Art Center to learn every summer and to build important to their craft and and grow themselves. So so you know we're never too old to learn. So with that, I hope you learned something great. Share something great this week. Thank you again for tuning in and have a wonderful, wonderful day. Again this is Tanya Flanagan with the scoop on public radio okay, you envy 91.5 jasm or

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The Stellar Plus Experience
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