Elevate Her: The Women's Wellness and Love Summit

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v 91.5.

Unknown Speaker 0:16
Good morning and thank you for joining me for the scoop with Tanya Flynn and again, I'm so happy you decided to wake up and start your day with me. Here on the scoop where we talk about life, joy, funny moments, trending topics and so much more. We promise to keep you in the know and find out what you know. So let's get started

Unknown Speaker 0:43
Good morning and welcome to the scope with me. Tanya Flanagan. Thank you for tuning in to K U N. V 91.5. I am so excited to be here this morning and to have you with me listening. I cannot believe we are at the end of September. I have my in studio guests is Avis brown Riley at Deer becoming increasingly a dear friend, just a kindred spirit. I'm always delighted to spend some time with her. And I also have Ashley Dotson, with them the lovey organization we are talking today about an upcoming women's wellness Summit. I'm going to tell you all about the good stuff going on with that. Let you know how you can get involved what you're going to experience or could look forward to experiencing and just share some great information. But without further ado, I would like to say good morning and welcome to avis. Good morning.

Unknown Speaker 1:33
Good morning. Thank you so much for having me on the show.

Unknown Speaker 1:37
Thank you for being here. Yes. And good morning, Ashley. Hello. Hello.

Unknown Speaker 1:43
Good morning. Good morning, everyone. Thank you so much for having me. I'm excited to be here.

Unknown Speaker 1:47
I'm excited to have you before we jump in. I want to ask you to show your backgrounds a little bit. You know, tell tell the listening audience who you are and what you do. Avis? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 2:00
So I am Eva Sproul Riley LPGA golf professional, and I work at golf galaxy in Summerlin as the LPGA golf instructor. And I'm also author of building of a champion.

Unknown Speaker 2:15
And the exciting thing is that Avis is going to be the key note for this wonderful women's wellness and lobby summit, but the brainchild behind this summit is Ashley. So Ashley, how are you? What are you all about? And where did this idea come from?

Unknown Speaker 2:34
Oh, my goodness. Wow. Okay, well, thank you for that lovely introduction. I am Ashley bass. And essentially, I go by coach Ashley B in the community. I am a serial entrepreneur, a Master of Social Work. And I focus on personal development, small business coaching, leadership, training, nonprofit consulting, and women's empowerment. So for the summit that is coming up, it is under the umbrella of the nonprofit organization love Inc, which stands for ladies of virtual eclectically excelling. It has been my baby since 2000. I want to say 17 really well in before that. But then we became incorporated. And it was to foster a safe space for women to be empowered, live a life of service and do all the things that social justice reform needs. So that is where it's coming from. I'm so excited is the inaugural and it's going to be on October 7. So I'm just I'm looking forward to it. I'm so excited that we have Davis on to join us as a keynote speaker because she is going to give so much to this summit.

Unknown Speaker 3:48
You're absolutely right now you said a mouthful so I want to have you say it one more time. And that lovey L O V E love love V stands for

Unknown Speaker 4:01
ladies of virtue eclectic eclectically excelling. So the last e is silent. So it's really it's just love the extra it is L O V E, but ladies of virtue excitedly excelling and that stemmed from my upbringing in church. And my mother and my grandmother making sure that I was always a part of some type of group whether it was the Y PD or the Acolytes or anything, serving others, but also making sure that I was putting my faith first. So that is what I'm so excited about this summit. We're going to be bringing health and wellness and self love together when it comes to mind, body and spirit. Essentially I call myself a social worker and I usually capitalize fo U L. As sole full worker and then yeah, that's where it came from. I'm just I'm excited for everybody to get I'm empowered.

Unknown Speaker 5:00
As a journalist. I love the way you play with words I do I have a love of words and, and writing and creativity. And so I love the way you play with words because it speaks to your creative energy. And that's exciting. And so this summit is inaugural as you mentioned, it's taking place I have the flyer in front of me, it's happening Saturday, October 7, it kicks off at 8:30am registration, I think it's at 8am. The right and then it's in the green spawn. College of Urban Affairs, which sits at the corner of Maryland Parkway and University Road to believe it is. It's directly across from the UNLV Student Union in case that tells you nothing and you don't know the campus, most people know where the student union is. So the student union is smack dab in the center facing Maryland Parkway in the building. If you are facing the front, it's to your left. If you're coming out of the building, it's to your right. But what's super exciting is we are blessed to have keynote, the keynote speaker here with us this morning, Eva sure the keynote for this first time. And your story is so powerful. It is the first time I met you. I was in awe. When you told me you were a stage four cancer survivor, but you were a professional black woman golfer, like I hit people always play golf, you know, and get out it's exercise. It's fun, but to meet someone who has dedicated their life to perfecting their skill in this area of competitiveness. And who's climbed up the ladder to excel and win awards and win tournaments and be you know, world renowned, basically, for us to have the privilege of having you come speak to women's wellness as part of a summit here at UNLV. That, by the way, Ashley, is there a cost to the summit?

Unknown Speaker 7:02
No, actually, what is so excited because of the of the sponsorship, we are able to offer this summit free?

Unknown Speaker 7:10
So Eva's Yeah, in this space. Um, what do you give us a little teaser? What can people expect you to bring? Well,

Unknown Speaker 7:20
I'm super excited. Ashley, thank you so much. And Tanya, for this wonderful opportunity. And I'm all about empowering, engaging and encouraging women to be the best that they can be be a champion in life. We all have it within us, what is it going to take to bring it out that individual, so I'm going to be giving a lot of great tips share my amazing, amazing story of how I started playing golf at the age of seven. By the age of 10. I was one of the best junior golfers in the world. And then breaking records and just having an amazing, amazing golf career. And what is it like for me to be still alive after stage four breast cancer and never giving up, motivating others inspiring others to let them know that they too can conquer whatever they're faced with. Sometimes we think of the uncertainty as being the worst thing in the world. But at the day, if you're just faced with another challenge, how do you get through it. And I'm excited to speak about my journey. And I hope that I am going to inspire and encourage every woman that's in that room and feel good about yourself. Self esteem, self confidence, and dignity, integrity, the values of what everyone has, but how do you put it all together to shine? So I'm super excited to share that with the audience.

Unknown Speaker 8:49
It's a women's wellness conference. But for the album said nasty I'm thinking young girls. Yeah, like what age I know you're targeting women. But what you say to a mom who's thinking, Oh, I'd like to go to that. But I've got the kids bring your daughter, or

Unknown Speaker 9:07
I am always also I do work with youth all the way up until two women mentorship is so important to me. So I definitely would say if that would be the thing that would keep a mom from coming, bring bring bring the baby Freeman may know they want to sit still and get some nuggets. Absolutely. Because I believe that's where it starts and it stems from. There's so many times that I've seen young women and even myself at times when I'm like I just wish I would have had somebody to encourage me in that moment. I had some really dynamic women in my life but there was moments when it's just sometimes you know, somebody else gives you some nuggets that you needed to hear in that season. So absolutely please it is open to young women as well.

Unknown Speaker 9:54
I think it's nice when you start planning this even when girls are young, exposing them to things allowing them to see people that they otherwise wouldn't see. be privy to conversations of development, mental creativity of stretching the mind, you know, raising the bar expanding their horizons to see people in aspects and places and how often do you see a woman, a professional woman golfer right here in Las Vegas willing to talk to you and tell her story. I think that part is exciting.

Unknown Speaker 10:26
I'm thrilled. I'm excited. You know, I wrote the book building of a champion, how I became a champion in life. Davis brown Riley's story. So I talked about the determination, that desire, dedication to finding who you are as a person, but think about your passion. What are you passionate about? Once you have found your passion, now drive it home with that determination, have that burning desire, right to cross that finish line, you start something, finish it. So I as a mentor, as a coach, to a lot of young women, and older women as well. Someone is going to be blessed. On October 7, they're going to walk away thinking totally different about who they are as a person. A golf for me, has taught me to become more connected with my personality and my characteristics, you know, who am I? You know, what makes me tick. And it has groomed me to be mentally tough. And we all have it in us is what is it going to take to get it out of that individual. So a lot of great tips, and we're going to have fun, it's going to be exciting, and I'm super excited. I'm always excited because I'm a motivational speaker and I love to talk. And so I'm gonna tell you, you're gonna be in for a treat or you're in, you're in for a treat.

Unknown Speaker 11:50
No shortage of conversation information. Absolutely. So we know we have Avis, we've teased you with avis. Ashley, what else can people expect? Because this is a this is this, you know, is the center stone is the centerpiece of it. But what else can people expect to experience today? Tell us a little bit about that.

Unknown Speaker 12:13
Sure thing. So as you heard, we're going to have this dynamic keynote speaker. We're also going to be having workshops that we'll be highlighting, obviously, self care and wellness, relationships, and then also community and career and we have some really powerful, powerful dynamic women in the community who will be gracing us with their presence. So, for spirituality and physical and exercise, we have Miss mateesah Sudha, we have a great system, the community Evany Browning, who will be speaking to us about relationships. We have Miss Edith Duarte, who will also be addressing those things and then some other great I don't even know if I'm ready to give those names yet, but

Unknown Speaker 12:59
you know, I think you need to let the cat out the bag. I saw a flyer and I saw a flyer with the great the great greats, the great great grades, three greats, really dynamic women lined up expected to be here. I saw Asha Jones with Chief of Staff with Congressman United States Congressman Steven Horsford. 's office. I saw General Counsel for Nevada, state Nevada College. Boehner, Rose Ford, and Divya Nirala, who's also the Deputy District Director for congressional district four which is represented by Steven horse with so we have two people from Congressman horse horse camp who are I saw him fliers joining this, this this discussion, but more so what they're talking about Career and Community. And you may say, Well, what is that? That comes from the angle of as women we do a lot of community service, right? So there comes a moment in life where you're growing your career, and you're serving on boards or committees or call to action projects. And it's the conversation about the balance of when community work is elevating your career? Or when is community work distracting from your career? Or is there what is that space where you can combine them? And these women have done a combination of those things in their in their course of life? Yes, in working in their in grassroots organizations and on grassroots initiatives, but they've also grown their careers. I love it. And in some cases, they blended and other cases, they've been kept separate. And they've excelled in two different spaces simultaneously, but what does it take to be the person who does community and career and maybe Family Children has been all these other things and so we're having a conversation about and I think it's a good compensation for young ladies who are in their teen years young years going into college and figuring out what the balance is to life. And do I do my community service while I'm young? Do I build my career while I'm young? Do I commit do community service when I get older, and I have a little bit more time to myself, like, because your energy levels are different at different points in your life? So we're talking about Yes, absolutely. Now we're talking about that stuff the time you have, you know, Auntie Maxine, who we love to affectionately call her Congresswoman Maxine Waters talked, reclaimed her time. And it was more than just her reclaiming her time on the Senate floor, right? Yes. It was the concept and life of reclaiming time. Yes, it really brought to the focal point time. Yeah, something you don't get back. But how did you use it wisely? That's

Unknown Speaker 15:54
so true. And I just listening to you talk about different avenues of becoming a champion in life. And so the last 25 years, I did that, raising a family being married, working for a fortune 500 company, FedEx Express, as a recruiter, after playing professional golf, I went on board there as a recruiter, and then was promoted to senior HR. And then my last 15 years as an operation manager running a small station close to the Tijuana border, and just juggling the family, it takes a lot. But you've got to balance is called life balance. How do you do

Unknown Speaker 16:32
that, and that's what we're gonna be talking about. And we have some, there's some folks coming, I see your lineup here, some folks coming in to talk about cosmetics and beauty. Talk about self care, and relationships for the professional woman. Edith Duarte is a really interesting panelist who's going to be joining the conference, the summit on October 7, and she is active in political circles, and the conversation that she shared with me and a little preview with her. And I can say, from my own personal experience, when you're busy in the community, and you're visible, and it's politics, or it's corporate, or whatever it is. And you can play these can probably even speak to this, your social circle becomes small, because your social circle becomes your work circle, because you're working all the time. So you're socializing with the people that you work with. But we're often that dating the people that we work with, even though that's our social setting. So I was on Facebook one day, and Edith posted the, the, you know, the end all be all the picture, you know, it was the late, you know, fascist laughing. It was the relationship picture on Facebook, and I said, Wow. Like, I'm not a big Facebook troll. But hey, I saw that, I find it to be interesting and bright and fun. And I enjoy. I've enjoyed getting to know her and just watching her at a distance. But she posted the relationship about photo. And I remember feeling this sense of joy and happiness for her that it was a good space that she was ready to say. You don't need to know anything else. But you need to know that. And so I reached out. And I said to her, Hey, what do you think about this, and she said, Oh my gosh, this my life, working? Social, your social life is work. But there's no one to date in this space. And so you have to force yourself outside of your comfort zone. Yes into the things that you do in your downtime, but expand the downtime. What you do is you're fun to figure out who is in that space that you would meet that you can date because maybe that's where the relationship lives. And she was like, Oh my gosh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 18:58
I've definitely been experiencing that. Even within myself. I'm, I'm a mother. I am in those spaces in those circles. And, you know, although people believe that I live a very public life. I live a very private life as well. And it's, I believe that the the dating circle, it's scary and it's small. So I haven't really been able to step into those arenas because of those things like that. So I'm so happy to hear that for her. One day that I get back to that space. Right now. It is definitely is definitely all about lifework balance, and I just recently had a birthday. So for me, I definitely see how I've been running and running and ripping and wanting to always do things community. So making sure that as I'm still on my upward journey, Reclaiming my time and still being able to be resourceful and available to the community is important to me, but I also want to make sure that I'm being resourceful and available to myself. And that's the only way that if my cup is not Oh, how can I pour into somebody else is it always drained and, you know, wore out. So I think I can't wait until we get replenished because I know each person on this lineup is going to do so. And I know, I forgot a couple of people. But I wanted to make sure that I mentioned them as well that Mr. Shell Whitmore is also going to be joining as a speaker and Michelle a glass. And they are definitely two dynamic women who are in those spaces as well. So,

Unknown Speaker 20:27
yes, to my listening audience, yeah, to the listening audience, youth, those of you who get a chance to hear the show fairly regularly may remember, Michelle was a guest very recently. So she was on the show talking about her journey from school teacher to entrepreneur, she is the creator and founder of a company called blissful therapy. And she does beauty products. But she also reaches in from a holistic place. And it's not just you know, she talked about not just the topical ointment, you have a rash so let's get you know shea butter and she creates just for you to go on your skin. But let's dig deep and figure out what's really unsettling you Yes, and causing you to have the rash, the anxiety, the you know, she comes from a deeper place of what I call going into the prayer closet in that time when you're alone. And there's no one watching you. And the thing that is pulling it to the fear, whatever it may be, is tormenting you. You pause long enough to have an honest conversation and as frightening as it is. You speak on what it is that's weighing you down. Yeah, because I feel like for at least I will speak from personal space. For me once I can verbalize what's bothering me. I can hand it over to God. Yeah, I can put in a different space and category. Once I face the fear of admitting whatever it is, the stirring in my spirit. Yes, I can deal with it because I can speak to it. And I can begin to deal with that I can make the deal or address it and respond. So let's shall we'll be part of the lineup on Saturday, October 7 here at UNLV and the greenspon College of Urban Affairs corner of Maryland Parkway, university row talking about holistic health, self priority, loving oneself self care. I LOVE IT products that help you reach your greatest potential have beautiful scans, enrich your hair, juicing teas. So it is a fantastic lineup of women, we're talking about mental health, as well as one of the spaces that will be delved into in the in the summit. So I encourage it. And again, it's free. Ashley, how do people sign up? I know you're taking RSVPs for the women's wellness and love Summit. How do people reserve their seat? Absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 23:04
So they can visit the website, which essentially is love Inc. It's www dot love inc.org. To is right, with two E's, yes, L O V E. And also they can go to K u in the.org as well. And it's listed under the events for October 7. Again, registration is free. I'm so super excited because of course UNLV is my alma mater, my undergrad. So that's why the play on words is so big. Yeah, no, I got my undergrad in math, media and journalism. So I'm excited that this is a place where I can be able to just be able to burst this with you all. Full Circle.

Unknown Speaker 23:53
Well, you know what I love that we've all majored in journalism, and communications education. It's definitely plays an integral role in an individual's outcome.

Unknown Speaker 24:04
It really doesn't I have to say when I first went into it, because I did print journalism, I always thought okay, my life is this course in newspapers, right. And I think when I was young, I did not realize the reach, but I've done so many things. It's so it's a multifaceted area of study that gives you reach into a lot of different areas when it comes to careers and choices. So I've definitely enjoyed the versatility and the diversity that I've been afforded by having the gift from God to be able to write and I use a man can everyone right? Yes. And I learned over time. No, that's my gift. That's my gift from God.

Unknown Speaker 24:44
That's right. It's

Unknown Speaker 24:45
not something that everyone can do. Someone asked me recently do I do poetry? And I said, Yeah, in the moment I need to walk around with a recorder because man that spoken word is fire. However I'm using Yeah, walking the dog or type I shower with a spoken word that's fire hits me. So I'm like, well, we can't get a book out of this poetry this way, Tanya. One day, one day. We are coming close to the end of our morning together. Thank you both for being here. Again. It's a half day Summit, right, Ashley? So yes,

Unknown Speaker 25:18
they won't keep you all all all day, but there will be continental breakfast. We're gonna have an amazing DJ DJ Kelly J. And just a great time and getting empowered and uplifted. So please, yes, come join us. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you. Yeah, I think there's a special

Unknown Speaker 25:35
prizes. Can I get a prize? Can I win something? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 25:40
Yes, absolutely. You don't get all the prize.

Unknown Speaker 25:43
I want all the price on all the good stuff. Yes. Beautiful now, Amos, thank you for joining us this morning. And being the keynote. Absolutely. Hear the story in full. Yeah, I want to get it all.

Unknown Speaker 26:00
Absolutely. You know, I love my life. I love how God is grooming me to perfection and of greatness. And more so than anything. It's about giving back. Giving back, you know, carry just toss that torch to the young, younger generation and let them know that they too can become a champion in life. And remember, never give up. Never

Unknown Speaker 26:24
give up. Never give up. It's speaking of never giving up. Actually, what's the thing? What is the thing behind this too, right? Yeah, here there are some colors. And these colors matter. Davis and I so what are the colors? And Dan, we're ready to have to wrap it up. But

Unknown Speaker 26:43
you're sure absolutely. So the theme for the women's will miss the most I mean, it's elevate her. So we are going to definitely make sure that we're elevating our woman and we're going to play homage and respect to those and red pink and purple for our domestic violence survivors and victims as well as our breast cancer survivors and those who are continuing to fight so we are so excited. October is an amazing month that empowers women and that's what we're gonna continue to do to elevate her so please, yes,

Unknown Speaker 27:15
I love that pink for breast cancer awareness purple for domestic violence awareness, and red for love. So love that purple and red. Our time is up any socials you ladies want to want to share before we sign off this morning. Absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 27:32
You all can follow me at underscore Ashley B. And then also for our love Inc pages at love L O V E dot i NC

Unknown Speaker 27:47
and what was the first one is I think I think pitch as clearly as no problem

Unknown Speaker 27:51
as at C O ACH

Unknown Speaker 27:55
coach, okay. Hmm,

Unknown Speaker 27:57
gotcha underscore, Ashley D

Unknown Speaker 28:00
as adult. Okay. And

Unknown Speaker 28:02
for me, you can find me on Facebook and Instagram. And you can always find me at golf galaxy as well.

Unknown Speaker 28:10
I'm coming to

Unknown Speaker 28:14
just start playing this wonderful game of golf. You can also reach me via email LPGA Avis Avi S. 60 four@gmail.com. I'm so excited to be here in Vegas meeting such wonderful, wonderful people. And I love how Las Vegas have gravitated to me and I'm loving how I'm gravitating to them. So golf is going to be the talk of the town here in Las Vegas because we're gonna get in every women's hands and of course adding wellness and good health. Just take care of yourself. Absolutely. Remember you come first.

Unknown Speaker 28:51
Well once again, thank you for tuning in. I'm on my social handles my my name Tanya Flanagan, because I think one of them is Tanya almond eyes Flanagan because I was a victim of cloning. We'll talk about that another day. Have a wonderful week. Stay healthy. Stay happy. We look forward to seeing you at the 2023 Women's wellness and love summit here at UNLV. The greenspon College of urban affairs. Saturday, October 7, we'll open the doors at 8am continental breakfast we'll see you there and remember, it's free. Happy

Unknown Speaker 29:23

Unknown Speaker 29:24
Happy Sunday.

Unknown Speaker 29:30
I want to thank you for tuning into the scoop with me Tony Flanagan and I want to invite you to get social with me I'm on Facebook and Twitter. My name is my handle ta n YAFLA na GA N You can also find me on Instagram at Tanya almond eyes Flanagan and if you have a thought and opinion or a suggestion, don't hesitate to shoot me an email to Tanya dad flanagan@unlv.edu. Thanks again for joining in. Stay safe and have a great week.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Elevate Her: The Women's Wellness and Love Summit
Broadcast by