Empowering Women: First Lady Kim McCoy on Balancing Roles and Inspiring Change

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NV studios on public radio K, u and v 91.5. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5. Jas and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:25
Good morning, and thank you for joining me for the scoop with Tanya Flanagan. I'm so happy you decided to wake up and start your day with me. Here on the scoop, where we talk about life, joy, funny moments, trending topics, and so much more. We promise to keep you in the know and find out what you know. So let's get started.

Unknown Speaker 0:52
Good morning and welcome to another beautiful Sunday, here on K u and v 91.5. Public Radio, jazz and more. I am so excited that once again, you have decided to arrive early. And join me Tanya Flanagan here on the scoop for a short conversation. I hope you all are feeling well and recovering and enjoy tons of Turkey. We recently just enjoyed Thanksgiving just a couple of days ago. And I know we tend to eat and indulge and turkey and dressing and sweet potato pie or pumpkin pie Apple cobblers and cakes. So I hope you have had a couple of days to let that those good flavors just kind of be a good memory and reintroduce that exercise routine, or at least the promise to reintroduce it but Christmas is just around the corner. So we will be indulging once again. But this morning, it's early. It's beautiful hope you have a cup of coffee, and tea or whatever it is you like I am excited to welcome a friend to chat with me this morning who I had the pleasure of knowing for a few years and I think her Her story is interesting. And I hope that you find it insightful as well. Her name is Kim McCoy, Kim McCoy, welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker 2:04
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:04
Thank you for being here with me. Thank you for joining me this morning. We're talking today can't often do a segment that I sometimes call man on the street or woman on the street where really it's just a moment to take a look at someone in our community who seems like an everyday person, but in their own way is dynamic. And as a hero, I think we each have a story to tell and something to share. Kim is both a mother, she is a job and she also was the first lady. And I began to think what life must be like and the responsibilities of being a first lady because we often see the role. And let me preface that with I don't know if all churches are the same, but black churches are definitely their own culture. So as I was growing up in the church, the First Lady, the wife of the pastor has such a dynamic and prominent row and so many expectations. But yours is even more so because you are a preacher's kid. So your mother was also a first lady. And I wanted to talk with you about how you manage imbalance and the demands on it. So first, let's talk you you work for Clark County School District. And you are a business teacher. So what school are you at? What do you do in that row? How does that work? How does what does that look like during the week?

Unknown Speaker 3:35
What does it look like during the week. I am a proud business teacher in the Career Technical educational field, which is also most I want to say recognized as the stem. I'm a STEM teacher. So I teach courses that help my marketing students be able to receive nine to 12 college credits and free up apps that they have to pass to curriculum in the year program test and workplace readiness test. And also there. Those students are involved in what's called deca, which is an international high school Marketing Association. And we just left the Leadership Conference in Austin, Texas and it was very fulfilling and what I like best is I had one student that succeeded in his area of expertise with a 99% in what's called a roleplay. And also those students that went on the trip how they get on the trip is I run what's called the Student Store, which is ran Monday through Friday for three lunches because The size of the school we have to have three lunches. And it's like winning another business. So that's my life.

Unknown Speaker 5:08
Wow. Well, that is quite the load. And on top of that you're a mom and a wife. So you have two kids of your own. I love your daughter's name, you know, at least she plays basketball on Maya. And I love her name because she's a baller. And I think it's the perfect name for if she's ever drafted into the WNBA. And I always joke about that. I can't wait for her to get drafted into the WNBA. So I can hear them call her name. Oh, my yo, McCoy. I just love her name. I think it's perfect for what she's gone into. But the bow and we joke about it, and she just looks at me like Miss Tanya, really. But the balance of being a mom, a wife, having a job and then having this role in the church, how do you? Does it sometimes become overwhelming? And how do you balance it like in this role, or their platforms? It's like when I think first lady in a way, it's like you think Michelle Obama, you think of Hillary Clinton, you think of Barbara Bush, you think of you know, it's the first lady title. And so with that comes platforms and initiatives? Or should I say? Does it come with platforms and initiatives and programs? Like, what does it look like, on the faith based side of being First Lady?

Unknown Speaker 6:34
I have to tell you, it is it's different, and it can be overwhelming. But that's if you're a woman of God, but you're focused on basically what people would fit. So my focus is representing God, and being an ambassador from God, so that people will see the light in me and want to worship Him. So in the beginning, as a young girl growing up in the church, my father didn't become a pastor until my late high school years, my teen years. And so yes, everyone focuses on what you say, what'd you do, didn't know how to go about that. But what helped with that, is he not only made sure he and my mother not only made sure we went to church and Sunday school, but often our father, daughter time was on Saturday mornings. When he was teaching me the Bible, besides on top of Sunday school, because I was a child that had all kinds of questions. You know,

Unknown Speaker 7:58
you know how? Because you still have all kinds of questions can.

Unknown Speaker 8:01
Yeah. I know how it can department is like, why is this?

Unknown Speaker 8:08
I was the same way. I had to understand the why behind. You couldn't just tell me something when I was a kid, you still can't in a way. But when I was a kid, you couldn't just tell me something. I remember. My dad and this is a quick sidebar story. He came home he was watching me and I was outside skating roller skating on the front carport. Well, he told me not. And normally I could skate down the street on the sidewalk, come back, because you know, it was back in that time when everybody's watching the kids when they were outside. So it wasn't just your parents. It was the whole neighborhood watching. So I'm doing my roller skating thing. And my dad on this particular day said don't go skating down the street. But he didn't say why I couldn't go. And he went in the house to do something. I think he went and lay down he wasn't feeling well. So me I'm like, Well, why and he said just don't go like I told you. Oh, okay, so the bed the curiosity in me that got the best of me though there I went down the street to figure out what can I go down the street today. Got down that street girl for Dobermans, were down here on the side of this house that had nothing to do with our neighborhood. They were just needed to lose dogs. But they were minding their business until they saw me on the road escapes. And I was like, and so now I'm on skates trying to get two houses back to the house. I was never supposed to leave in the first of all, because I can always get in the house from the point that I was at that he left me screaming at the top of my lungs. But I was that kid who had to have explanation. So if he had told me because there's four dopamine features down here, I would have done what I was taught, right? But I didn't have all the information so I needed information. I got the information. Alright, girl, I got the information. All right, screaming at the top of my lungs. As for dogs, we're on my heels on rollerskates so I am your Twin. I am your twin.

Unknown Speaker 10:05
Yeah, yes. And I, I believe in being a pastor's wife. I see some of the women, I hear of the struggles and all of this stuff about what's going on. And I would actually see my mother as being a pastor's wife, I will watch the thing she's doing. I have friends that were pastor wives, and they were like, I'm not doing that. I'm not doing this. I don't want to go here. I don't want to go there. So I would actually just learn things to do and things not to do. So I was really blessed as watching my mom do things. And I felt as though she's she was very quiet. And I felt as though she should speak out more. So I'm not totally how she is. They were vocal.

Unknown Speaker 11:04
So because of that, are you? Are you more vocal? Yeah. So what are some of the things that you use your ministry to do? Like, do you have like a agenda? Something you? You're passionate about that in this row, you're introducing through the church and to the community or to just your church family?

Unknown Speaker 11:26
Yes, I, my husband kept saying you need to be able to the women's ministry, you need to do this and do that. And he kept stressing that. And I was like, okay, Mom didn't do that, to let someone else be over it. But I watched certain things that weren't going well. And why my dad wanted her to be over the women's ministry, because he trusts her. And that's why I got that from my husband, I would like for you to be over the women's ministry because you trust where I'm going in the ministry and you wouldn't know what to do. And I can depend on you. So and we will no things won't get out of line. Basically, that's what I want to say things got kind of out of line by my mom not being over the women's ministry. So I am over the women's ministry as it's called Hannah, sisters ministry. And the purpose is for the abundant heart, community churches, women's ministry is to serve the church and the community. And it's to help other women know how important they are to God. That's very, very important. Because a lot of women feel as though if all the men are doing everything in the church, and they're not able to do anything, they feel as though they're not important. Basically, it could be any church that's following the Bible that's telling you what your role is. I know, Don and I are one that's in Genesis two when we became the gather, whereas one, but I know my role. And what I look at the things he has to do and the decisions he make, I'm glad she's in that role. That's where you have the problem. Tanya is when women don't know their role.

Unknown Speaker 13:26
And are you saying their role in general either row, because we're talking about your role as a First Lady? Are we talking now about the role in its totality, where there's a wife, there's a mom, there's your you're a woman? So as women, we're very dynamic, and we play, in a sense a lot of roles because we have various responsibilities. So So does this transcendent and applied to the role as First Lady the role as wife the role as mom, the role as employee or business owner or whatever, venture and adventure? A woman is finding herself in like, how do you take what keeps you moving forward, harness that, and help to cultivate the women around you to have a more intense understanding of how this will serve them and help them? Because I've seen you do sound that how do you how do you? What's the essence of how you're taking what you understand, and using those lessons to help shape other people so that they have a better understanding of

Unknown Speaker 14:48
women what their role is? Basically, studying proverbs 31 The virtuous woman Um, people did not know that her husband's crops died. And they did not. They were almost suffering. But by her role as she had a profession, she was class lady because she, when she went to the market to exchange her her goods, she brought back seasoning for food for her household that was not at the 99 cent store, she brought expensive seasoning back, that you will purchase from Whole Foods or sprouts, or you see what I'm saying. She went all the way to the other side of town. She was doing everything she could to make sure they stayed. They weren't eating pork and beans. That's basically what she was doing. I'm just paraphrasing,

Unknown Speaker 15:55
no, we want that. We want to make sure that we break this down in a way because when you speak to things from a biblical perspective, sometimes it's not a perspective that everyone has or can share in. So I want to make sure the things that you understand are relatable to those who are not studying the Bible. But how do we relate that to an everyday life space, so that there's a tangible takeaway, for those who listen, who aren't reading, they may decide to read after listen to the show and listening to you to to, to change that relationship. But I want to make sure it's relatable for those who aren't. So,

Unknown Speaker 16:39
okay, thank you for that, giving me permission to break it down, Break it down. So basically, she did not for around letting people know that I am taking care of this household. She's Look, everyone was looking up to the king, when he went out with his friends to talk to them. He was not ashamed that his crops were dead. And that he was not being the man of the household. He, when he got home, they still looked up to him as a king. But when she arrived home, they rolled out the carpet for her because she was the kids and him because she was still cooked. And what I really liked about her and her role she had, how did she keep all of this going? How was she able to take care of her house, take care of the kids through everything she had made. So what I like about her nature is she fed her mates. She would actually cook for them when they were done. So she actually have helped to be able to do everything she has around. And that's around the household. So that's what I want to tell women. I was actually not just all Bible, I actually watched Oprah Winfrey's talk about the it was a show on black society, about how we spend all of our money on clothes, brand name, clothes, and everything like that. She says, the problem with women that are currently working black women, they don't, they can afford to be able to have a maid. So I actually have a maid to help me assist, you know, a household. And I also work. I spend time with my children. I'm at a school where it's predominantly Mormon. So I take on their aspects, as far as they meet with their children, every morning at 6am at the church, for seminary, and I told my son, we're not going to go anywhere at 6am more. Because we're barely pushing out of the house at 6am. But at 6am we meet downstairs and he and I have scripture and prayer time together. And I make sure as a wife that I spend time with my husband, we even have date nights, where we pick once a week to spend time together. If we get so busy in the ministry and at work and everything with the kids, just by me if he says I'm just going to get us going smoothies at Tropical Smoothie, I will hop in the car with him because I still quality time. It's just me and him right now. And I feel like that's the date going to give it green smoothing. So it's it's all about knowing your role, accepting your role and and not focused on pleasing man. That was my problem growing up as a young girl, I would often want everybody to be happy. Everybody had to be happy in my circle. And my dad was telling me, Kim, everybody's not going to be happy. everybody's not going to set who you are. So it's in the, in the other world. You think that in a world with no chaos, that's the way you, you want everybody happy. But in the real world, that can't happen. So it took me a while to learn that. So in finding that in the ministry, if I do something one way, somebody's not gonna like it. And I find that on my team, I have a team that helps with the women's ministry, I have a team from age 18, till the late 50s, all the way to 70s. Even I have a team member that is at age 70. So if you mix your team up that way, that the different ideas and everything will help bring the women engaged into learning the Word of God. And we can be different ways we can have a pastor's wife, we can go to a retreat for women, and doesn't have to be the pastor's wife, we can have a retreat for just the women, like I said, it could be a spa day. We can have prayer, breakfast, different things. That's why I have a team from age 18, all the way till 70. And so our oldest, that's

Unknown Speaker 21:47
really cool. I mean, I think what I love the most about what you said is it in in tuning into watching you explain everything it's understand and the importance of understanding your role. It's also recognizing the relationship, like there's a role attached to each relationship. And so there's the balance, and continuity and understanding your role. And the attachment to each relationship. Like there's one certain things you do with your husband, as a wife, certain things you do with your children, as a mom, certain things you do with your students, as a teacher, certain things you do with your, with your girlfriends, or people that you know, as a friend. And then the role that you play also in terms of being a leader and an exemplary role model, as a first lady to the women in the church being over the women's ministry. But it was just really nice to hear the understanding of how it can be this from the smallest things to the the larger things that create the connection and keep things balanced, whether the simple part of going into it getting in the car to go get a smoothie, because it's quiet time or it's time together with your with your spouse. And so I just think that it's a beautiful way of looking at how to keep the focus. And at the same time, recognizing that as a woman, you mentioned having a mate, we often try to be so many things to so many people, like moms are invincible. They're all powerful. And even though there's Dad, Mom, mom, mom, mom, the reality that you do not have to do everything alone. And that's what help is for and having the maid is recognizing that, yes, I could. But if I bring when you can have those resources, and maybe it's not having a maid, but maybe it's having a network, because not everyone has. And you're right, you can. There's all sorts of priorities, that the prioritizing of how we spend our dollars so that we can direct them accordingly. So if I didn't do lunch out, or I didn't buy, whatever designer shoe or handbag or whatever, I would have this money this month, and I could have made so then I could get quality time back. It's how I'm spending the dollars, but I can get the quality time back. And the quality time allows me maybe to have exercise time, or meditation time or time for lunch with girlfriends or just not spending all my time trying to mop the floor faux clothes, wash clothes, Dust Furniture, it's time I can now take and spend with my family because I've prioritized what's important, how I'm spending my resources, what I am I aligning my resources with and so I just think that that puts in perspective, the value of relationships, money time, it just it It was just put in perspective, the value of relationships. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 25:05
Yeah, yes,

Unknown Speaker 25:06
we are kind of we're winding down. We're into our last five minutes of the show. It's been really enlightening for me. And I hope it has been for our listeners to get the perspective from you as a First Lady, as a mom, as a wife, the nurturing the natural nature that you have to teach and to share. Because I think that's a lot of what being a First Lady is, is about, am I wrong? Am I right? The naturalness to teach and to share and to guide?

Unknown Speaker 25:36
In a sense, natural. Yeah, yes, you're right. It's natural. And I want our women to know that they, they mean a lot. When Jesus came back, the first person he told us to tell them that I'm alive was a woman was married to Mary Magdalene. And a lot of the women in the Bible are part of his lineage, Ray, half way half was a former prostitute. And she hid the spies out for she has a spy so they can do what they needed to do in the city of Jericho. And she ended up becoming an image of Jesus Christ. So I want people to know, women to know, I am a woman, domestic violence, not a victim. I am a survivor of domestic violence. Not from this husband, one from years ago. But I had a place to go. I had a place to come home, to be with my father, and my mom again, once again and to get myself in order to get together actually method counseling whole nine yards, because my father says, I'm your pastor. But I, I'm not an expert in that. So you have to go get assistance. So I became a hero. That safeness because I never looked back, I've never went back. And because I read the story about Tamar, in the, in the Bible, and, and I introduced them to Tamar. So they were able to use biblical, you know, counseling. So. But with that being said, As Hannah sisters, that ministry, I want us to be praying women, to learn the word of God and to help others. And that's my vision. That's my goal is to get a house, and your neighbor may be part of Hannah sisters. And you won't even know it for women that are dealing with domestic violence and have no place to go. So that's my vision that I'm looking for. To and I need the systems with the team head, that's the ministry that I'm looking for is to own homes, open up homes for women that

Unknown Speaker 28:10
are suffering. Oh, wow. That's beautiful. I love it. And I'm congratulations to you on being a survivor. We are the clock is slowly ticking out on us is there as we run out into the last minute, quickly, any invitation our way people can contact you to become engaged or to learn more just to come and listen, if there was an opportunity, just listen to a program you're having in 15 seconds or less just how to reach you.

Unknown Speaker 28:43
Okay, I can be reached online at abundant bash heart.org. And we would have all the events listed there. And you can also click on the Hannah's sisters ministry event. And that way you can contact me.

Unknown Speaker 29:01
Perfect. Thank you so much. We are really it's been a great conversation. Thank you to everyone who's tuned in. We are out of time these great conversations always go by faster than we expect. I wish we had more time. But I thank you for getting up again on a wonderful Sunday morning and tuning into the show. Have a wonderful week. Stay healthy, stay safe and be blessed. I want to thank you for tuning into the scoop with me telling you Flanagan and I want to invite you to get social with me I'm on Facebook and Twitter. My name is my handle TA and YAFL a na GA N You can also find me on Instagram at Tanya almond eyes Flanagan and if you have a thought and opinion or a suggestion, don't hesitate to shoot me an email to tonya.flanagan@unlv.edu Thanks again for joining in. Stay safe and have a great week.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Empowering Women: First Lady Kim McCoy on Balancing Roles and Inspiring Change
Broadcast by